How to Reduce Your Business Mobile Bill

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How to Reduce Your Business Mobile Bill

TeleChoice has been an Australian household brand for over 20 years and evolved into a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) in April 2013 using parts of Telstra’s 3G and 4G network. Since becoming an MVNO we have been able to reduce bills significantly and successfully for our clients and here is how we do it, and what you should know.

1. Do or get a Bill Analysis to work out what the average cost per service is of your fleet.

Understanding your fleets usage pattern is crucial. We have found from conducting numerous bill analysis that many fleets that are on high-cost plans with low usage patterns which is ultimately why their average cost per service is high ranging between over $90 to $38 per service.

2. Find out what the average data usage per service is of your fleet.

With all carriers now offering unlimited standard national calls included in their plans, it is the data consumption that increases the price and option of the plan in fleets. We have learned and established that over 90% of fleets service will use less than 5GB per month. We find many services are on 20-50GB of data which they simply don’t need. Getting on the right plan for each service will make a significant difference in reducing your bill. This exercise will also reveal to you offending culprits in your fleet who use excessive data for personal use.

3. Identify other needs of your fleet like international calling, international roaming and excess charges incurred like Early Termination Fees (ETF).

Getting intimate with your fleets needs makes it easy to get each service on the right plan for its needs to reduce your bill. If some services are making international calls, identify the countries they call as there are now plans and international packs available that include many countries. There are also many other excess charges we have come across through our many years of experience of conducting bill analysis that can be avoided like, purchasing prepaid recharge, and charging it back to the home account. Or purchasing apps and games and charging it back to the home account by staff. EFTS on plans also plays a large role in increased excess charges in bills.

4. Identify your support needs like portal access, invoice reports and service reports required to assist you in managing your fleet and business needs.

Regardless on the size of your business, its vital to have access to online portals to view your fleets activities and access reports for your IT and accounts departments. These tools will greatly enable you to easily manage and reduce your bills.

5. Account Management Support.

Are you tired of calling your carrier for support with lengthy wait times only to be passed from department to department to get help. Or being on the call then getting cut off only to have to ring again and wait or emailing for support and waiting for days for a response. Getting a dedicated account manager enhance your experience will simplify your day to day operations to ensure your services are up and running so you can be productive and lucrative. A dedicated account manager should provide an intimate and personal relationship, efficient and prompt service.

So… Shop around… shop shop shop.

If you do not explore what options are available to you, you will always pay premium prices and miss out on great deals.

As a Business you will be looking for a trusted network with great coverage, great choice of plans, and great service for support to help you grow your business.

For an obligation free bill analysis please contact us.

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