
3G Network Closure in 2024

TeleChoice Usage Notification Policy

Effective 1 March 2014, the Excess Usage Alert Policy as previously outlined in Appendix F of the TeleChoice Website has been withdrawn. From 1 March 2014, the TeleChoice Excess Usage Alert Policy will be known as the “Usage Notification Policy” (Usage Notification Policy). TeleChoice reserves the right to amend this Usage Notification Policy at any time and notify you by posting an updated version of the policy on the this page. The amended policy will apply between you and TeleChoice whether or not TeleChoice has given you specific notice of any change. You should review this policy periodically as it may change from time to time.

01. Usage Notifications

TeleChoice will provide you with usage notifications (Usage Notifications) after reaching the following usage points during each billing cycle:

48 hour delay

Any Usage Notification may be delayed by up to 48 hours after each usage point has been reached. Should you exceed 100% of your data plan or call plan inclusions during the course of any single billing cycle, TeleChoice will notify you of the charges that will apply to you for your continued use of TeleChoice mobile services. A Usage Notification may not include any amounts incurred by you for International Roaming Calls, International Calls and/or International SMS, the notification of which may be delayed by more than 48 hours. In the event that you reach one or more of the usage points above (for example 50%, 85% or 100% of the call or data plan inclusions) in the one single phone call or one single data session, TeleChoice will send you the Usage Notification most relevant to your usage position of the service.

02. Additional usage notifications

In the event that you exceed 100% of your data plan or call plan inclusions during the course of any single billing cycle, TeleChoice may choose to provide you with additional usage notifications (Excess Usage Notifications). TeleChoice may provide you with Excess Usage Notifications when:

  1. TeleChoice deems that your unbilled call and/or data usage for a particular billing cycle has become excessively high; and/or
  2. the excessive unbilled usage may represent a financial over-commitment to you or an unacceptably high credit risk to TeleChoice.

03. Important - Excessive use and possible suspension of your services

If TeleChoice reasonably assesses your continued use of the services to represent a financial over-commitment to you or an unacceptably high credit risk to TeleChoice after you exceed 100% of your data plan or call plan inclusions during the course of any single billing cycle, TeleChoice may, at TeleChoice’s discretion, reduce the speed of your data services and/or suspend your data services and/or outgoing call services.

04. Live Plan Excess Data Usage and Speed Controls

Live Plans Before 1 July 2015:

  • Excess Data Usage before 1 July 2015 is billed in 10 KB increments, where 1024 KB is equivalent to 1 Megabyte (MB), excess data is charged at a rate of $0.05 per MB.
  • TeleChoice Live Plans contain automatic data shaping controls at 110% of the plan’s included data allowance. Once this data usage threshold is reached data speeds will be reduced for the remainder of the billing cycle.

Data shaping controls will be lifted:

  • at the commencement of a new billing cycle; or,
  • for the period in which an optional data pack has been applied to the shaped service.

Live Plans From 1 July 2015:

  • From 1 July 2015 Excess Data Usage is billed in 1 Gigabyte (GB) increments,(1 GB Excess Data Block) where 1 GB is equivalent to 1024 MB, charged at a rate of $10 per GB.
  • The 1 GB Excess Data Block is automatically added to a service which has:
    • used 100% of the plan’s data allowance, or
    • used 100% of any Excess Data Block allowance.

Data usage within the 1GB excess data blocks is for uploads and downloads and is deducted from the 1GB allowance in units of 10KB. The 1 GB excess data block allowance is available for the remainder of the current billing cycle. A maximum of 10 1GB data blocks may be added to a service per billing cycle. Data access may temporarily cease until an Excess Data Block is automatically added to the service.

05. Live Plan Excess Data Usage and Speed Controls

TeleChoice encourages you to monitor the usage of your mobile services via the TeleChoice Members Area (Members Area).
The Members Area allows you to review your mobile service usage within a billing cycle. The Members Area also provides you with information on your usage in relation to your data plan and call plan inclusions, as well as an itemised view of your usage.
The Members Area can be accessed by following the steps outlined below:
Go to: www.telechoice.com.au/members

Enter Username: This will be the Account number applicable to the service.
Enter Password: This will be the password set up when the service was connected.

Live Plans

Go to the Services tab.

  • To view usage of Calls, SMS, International Calls – select Services Tab – view usage
  • To view usage of Data – select Services Tab – Details – view usage of the selected data inclusion .

Enter the applicable time period that you wish to review itemised usage.
Select the Filter button.

Other Plans

Go to the Services tab.

  • To view usage of Calls, SMS, International Calls – select Services Tab – view usage
  • To view usage of data – select Bolt ons Tab – view usage.

Enter the applicable time period that you wish to review itemised usage.
Select the Filter button.

Note: Usage Notifications will not be sent to customers with ‘unlimited’ services and plans. The use of TeleChoice Unlimited services and plans is governed by TeleChoice’s Fair Use Policy.

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